Monday, November 16, 2009

Lilies and more

I wish I could do this more often, but the ABC have done very well to bring us LILIES and GEORGE GENTLY . Keep up the good work. More on

Saturday, November 14, 2009

The highest forms of Art

RE JUMP 2007

- often just seek to tell the truth .

There is no escape from the truth in the outstanding film JUMP (2007) *****. By telling the true story of Phillipe Halsman, we ride the rough road of anger , frustration, unfairness, deliberate personal destructiveness and prejudice together.
The scary thing is that many of the real participants in this real life drama were not at war, but were destined to let it happen by their weakness. Are we any different ? Jumping to conclusions about others ?
On the very positive side , I hope you will find the last few films listed here really helpful/enjoyable for your family viewing. Like all the best literature, there is no shurking of the evil lurking on both shoulders .

By putting the mirror up to show/remind us of " how people get in such a mess " we have some chance to further studying the process so we can avoid the very problem for oursleves ...Enjoy.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Jimmy Grimble

A soundly constructed story with lots of guts and enough touches of fantasy and faith to make it very funny."Just kidding!"he says when the fixation on football returns. "just kidding "
We wait at the throwout trays of video shops to find these gems that are so good for all the family ( the hero is a teenage son of a single mum) and so good to restore our desire to fight to win! never never ever give up .

Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm picking up Good Vibrations

***** Very highly recommended to all ages and teenagers in particular.
Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys - you've got to know it . It was one of the most expensive song productions of its time - but, like so much of BRIAN WILSON 's work, brilliant in content, creativity and execution. THe documentary BRIAN WILSON " I wasn't made for these times" is a thoroughly engaging music (notable intros to "love and grace" , "smile album" , "pets") and conversation feast.
The film is a moving walk with a man whose story needs to be told again and again . Not only is the trip down music lane exceptional( how about all the ways he shared much musical skill with so many) , the trauma and passion of a sensitive man is so well put together and shared by his often times quite alienated family and friends; touching for its honest dealing with the dangerous obstinacy that we all share in some way with him. A wonderful piece of work. No wonder The good guys are still doing back flips with his work.
The title came from reflecting on a dog barking at his mum ,( "bad vibrations" he thought and in his typical way, turned it around!)Round round get around watchin it!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Nobody listens to me

What did you say again? ..Sorry

Seriously . Having trouble getting your message across ? Especially with people who don't listen and/or don't know and/or don't care. Welcome to the club . You are not alone.

What you need after yet another day of trying to reason and press for change is to watch "Mr Britas " BBC comedy. I remember it being a great antidote to the arrogant excesses of local leadership in the 1980's. Bought Series 2 recently -it is great for reminding us that often the people who make our world work are NOT those who take charge. more coming HERE

Greetings . Perhaps you know some great dramas too! Obviously there is Yes Minister or our very own upto date

If you are into reading , can i suggest James Finn Garners "Politically Correct Book of Bedtime Stories " Tell your story too on childrenincharge