Friday, November 17, 2006

Give me Tevye over Jakob anyday

If you haven't seen FIDDLER ON THE ROOF this decade, get yourself a copy of the video and relive the tension that celebrates the discipline we all need to live well with our fragile and sometimes fractured families . Jakob the Liar while a satisfactory drama, only reminded of how my generation denies itself the despair that often drives people back to faith. By denying despair and then the wonder of faith beyond it , it makes the shallow hope of storytelling in that context rather silly and superficial. As a story I found it unconvincing . Nowhere was the denial and "new millenium cynicsm" so forced as when the writers denied the young couple the joy of a marriage celebration. . Go tevye

Friday, September 15, 2006


Do you remember the old indian in Uncle Vics shed ? This is a movie to make you remember. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did From the Marcusmoo family

Saturday, July 29, 2006


Here's a bargain you must invest in .Many of the best movies of all time are in there . Take a brilliant play put to screen called HIS GIRL FRIDAY in the GOLDEN COMEDY series. It is so funny and so classicly human . Reminds me of Chestertons biography of that great playright Bernard shaw where he describes the time in Shaws life when he realised his generation didn't " know it all'.
My hope is that so many old reactionaries to the great things of western culture might do the same . Regain humility and wonder at the seriusly funny realities of life and the impossible cooincidences . "What did i tell you" says Cary Grant enjoying every moment of this wonderful play , "an unseen power" ( on the arrival of wife toting Mr Pettibone.
I feel sure Ben Hecht and Charles Mc Carthur ( the cowriter of front page )like those who wrote the great ABC series frontline knew the wonder of the world when he put that line to Pettybone ( 'what's your story Mr pettibone " and he searches for a picture of his wife) .The best stories are often not heard. More than the eye can see and out the mouths of those who just tell the story /or listen more closely! What amazing things can happen on a mere stage and without the technology of today ! Not to be missed!in 100 top movies of all time

Monday, July 03, 2006

KILLED BY CARE is great .On wed nights ABC2 at 7and 9;30 Will the program set the brief for effective change?
Luciene Leape is great as the Harvard health researcher with a heart .
Who will win? --the culture of blame combined with the hospital systems new found fame game .will the deabte in Australia even get off the ground do more here

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

PROTOCOLS OF ZION (Not nice story about jewish conspiracy theories but it highlights the reality of distraction and projection in history - a powerful story told by lots of people .

Marc Levins 's compilation of open questions was topped off by sharing his father with us and the stories of the men from prison. What a magical moment to hear those blokes from prison make good sense; reminding us we are ultimately one and we owe it to one and everyone to teach forgiveness. Lets urge SBS to show it again . Do it again mate ---it was great! (Jew watch is Google's no 1 site)
If you haven't seen it chase it up .

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I just love FRANK . he's bulk professional passion in a world of blinkered passivity and blind passion. The hype of ALL SAINTS is normally too much for my ever lovin heart - I need all my emotional energy for folks at home - Don't I ? maybe ? Certainly --a bloke worth watching . More on

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Where has all the humor gone eh ?. Remakes of PINK PANTHER movies ---You hacve got to be joking! ho hum- are we dumb : short of ideas; living in the past and not admitting to it? . The absence of the authorPETER SELLERS is a timely reminder of how authorship and originality is usually the key spark in creative enterprise.
money and markets are sometimes mere pawns in the face of genuine creativity, so why do the majority worship them ?
We hear too much of the brilliance of marketing and too little of the brilliance of authors . Maybe you know some movies with that theme we can add here. It doesn't matter how many millions you throw at an idea, if the creator is not the key the stuff can be crap .
Authorship - why do we seems to be losing respect for it. Without the author you may have nothing but hot air and mere seking after that illusive spark. New things often in their very nature are cheap and unvalued -its a reality of life that its spiritual and not entirley material -its where worship of markets and marketing really misses the point . The curse of the pink panther had all the big names in it, but it missed the vital ingredient - the creative element that comes from one man who was not in it. Is Steve Martin and the men driving the remake risking a deep insult to their industry and a basic principle of respect for authorship?

We know we are in trouble when the film industry thinks the future is in remakes . The future is in authors . But don't leave the future to the sycophants or waste your time with revisionists. get reality ( see GHANDI below)

The original PINK PANTHER MOVIES are now out on DVD. While the gags come slower than most of us moderns would prefer, I found myself wondering how these movies got a PG rating ? They are not suitable for children as the adults are behaving like children --rebelling against what is now more recognised by that generation as unacceptable attitudes. Boy we have become more conservative in the last 20years!. What do you think ?

Want to watch something really great "GHANDI -with BEN Kingsley . A one man lesson on the impact of ideas in history . An Indian talking to the west about what he considers their best ideas - Its a reality check, not only for keen christians but all theose in west who want to know more clearly what's best about their history of ideas ---Anyone who takes the words of Jesus seriously, as he tried to do . I found the story Absolutely fascinatingly but then its the first time i've seen it -I am a bit slow perhaps ?

Monday, February 06, 2006

MUNICH - put it in the missable unless you want to be misled.
see the review on Link site churchofthemasses

Sunday, January 22, 2006

This site is not intended to cover everything .Only to point you to things. Most of the better things are discussed on the links to the left . tHe higher they are on the list the more the moderator ( thats me ) thinks they are really good references ( take Church of the masses dealing with MUNICH and ISLAM . Time is short. Speak up and speak clearly.)

Thursday, January 19, 2006

NANNY MCPHEE-- Nannies are back ; great therapy for everyone

What’s looks all bad at first , may well look a lot better when you accept the critical need for their experience, perspective and wisdom.

Churchill’s famous quote about The choice s we have (democratic choices) points clearly to the acceptance of the reality of inefficiency in leadership systems . Acceptance can lead to more realistic and less stressful worldviews.

The longer view of those well educated and experienced hands on housekeeping servants who can see through the noise ; not denying any members voice or , those with a legitimately short term view, but more able to see how we can keep the diverse economia we call home together .

Friday, January 13, 2006

Narnia is great . Heard some "kids shoudn't watch that" critic get his knickers in a knot because the old man celebrated Christmas with "gifts of warfare" . The so Pc corect - no earthly use brigade of old children in charge at ABC church church like to think that handing out lollies is more effective that presenting choices in art. Their afraid of something . The wooseheads deny the reality of post christmas depression and the reality that it comes about partly because of too many lollies and excecive hype about being nice being applied to a situation of potentailly warring parties -

Give us the realism and symbolism of great literature and reject the woosiness of those who continue to shove temptation, disagreemnet , anger and frustration and cheap choices under the carpet. The new censors think our children should not be offerred the great choices in both Tolkein and Lewis's work .
Save time in the Video store . The people's choice cabinet . Our local video store has the most popular movies of all time in one cabinet - it saves a lot of time . Ask your store to do the same.And get away from the speculative unrelaibility of reviewers