Saturday, July 29, 2006


Here's a bargain you must invest in .Many of the best movies of all time are in there . Take a brilliant play put to screen called HIS GIRL FRIDAY in the GOLDEN COMEDY series. It is so funny and so classicly human . Reminds me of Chestertons biography of that great playright Bernard shaw where he describes the time in Shaws life when he realised his generation didn't " know it all'.
My hope is that so many old reactionaries to the great things of western culture might do the same . Regain humility and wonder at the seriusly funny realities of life and the impossible cooincidences . "What did i tell you" says Cary Grant enjoying every moment of this wonderful play , "an unseen power" ( on the arrival of wife toting Mr Pettibone.
I feel sure Ben Hecht and Charles Mc Carthur ( the cowriter of front page )like those who wrote the great ABC series frontline knew the wonder of the world when he put that line to Pettybone ( 'what's your story Mr pettibone " and he searches for a picture of his wife) .The best stories are often not heard. More than the eye can see and out the mouths of those who just tell the story /or listen more closely! What amazing things can happen on a mere stage and without the technology of today ! Not to be missed!in 100 top movies of all time

Monday, July 03, 2006

KILLED BY CARE is great .On wed nights ABC2 at 7and 9;30 Will the program set the brief for effective change?
Luciene Leape is great as the Harvard health researcher with a heart .
Who will win? --the culture of blame combined with the hospital systems new found fame game .will the deabte in Australia even get off the ground do more here